Vera Kuklina

Vera Kuklina
Research Professor
Global Equity and Social Justice
Urbanization of indigenous people
Cultural sustainability
Socio-ecological systems
Cultural geographies of infrastructure
Kuklina, V., Sizov, O., Bogdanov, V., Krasnoshtanova N., Morozova, A., Petrov, A. (2022). Combining Community Observations and Remote Sensing to Examine the Effects of Roads on Wildfires in the East Siberian Boreal Forest. Arctic Science,
Sizov, O., Fedorov, R., Pechkina, Y., Kuklina, V., Michugin, M., Soromotin, A. (2022). Urban trees in the Arctic city: case of Nadym. Land, 11(4), 531;
Kuklina, V., Sizov, O., Rasputina E., Bilichenko, I., Krasnoshtanova N., Bogdanov, V., Petrov, A. (2022). Fires on Ice: Emerging permafrost peatlands fire regimes in the Russia’s Subarctic Taiga. Land, 11(3), 322;
Sancho-Reinoso A., Fink C., Saxinger G., Povoroznyuk O., Wentzel S., Illmeier G., Schweitzer P., Krasnoshtanova N., Kuklina V. (2022). Mapping Mobility Patterns in East Siberia: Perceptions and Usage of the Baikal-Amur Mainline. Polar Geography, 1, 1-20
Bilichenko, I. N., Kobylkin, D. V., Kuklina, V. V., & Bogdanov, V. N. (2021). Development of the Informal Road Network and Its Impact on the Transformation of Taiga Geosystems in the North of Irkutsk Oblast. Geography and Natural Resources, 42(2), 148-155.
Kuklina, V., Bilichenko, I., Bogdanov, V., Kobylkin, D., Petrov, A., & Shiklomanov, N. (2021). Informal road networks and sustainability of Siberian boreal forest landscapes: Case study of the Vershina Khandy taiga. Environmental Research Letters.
Fedorov, R., Kuklina, V., Sizov, O., Soromotin, A., Prihodko, N., Pechkin, A., Krasnenko, A., Lobanov, A., & Esau, I. (2021). Zooming in on Arctic urban nature: Green and blue space in Nadym, Siberia. Environmental Research Letters, 16(7), 075009.
Bilichenko, I. N., Kobylkin, D. V., Kuklina, V. V., & Bogdanov, V. N. (2021). Razvitiye neformal'noy dorozhnoy seti i yeye vliyaniye na transformatsiyu tayezhnykh geosistem na severe Irkutskoy Oblasti (Development of an informal road network and its impact on the transformation of taiga geosystems in the north of the Irkutsk Region, in Russian). Geografiya i Prirodnyye Resursy, 42(2), 114-122 .
Fedorov R.YU., Sizov O.S., Kuklina V.V., Lobanov A.A., Soromotin A.V., Pechkin A.S., Pechkina YU.A., Ezau I.N. (2021). Vozmozhnosti primeneniya kontseptsii «zimnego goroda» v rossiyskoy Arktike (na primere goroda Nadym) (Possibilities of applying the concept of "winter city" in the Russian Arctic (on the example of the city of Nadym). Arctic: ecology and economics, in Russian). Arktika: ekologiya i ekonomika, 11(2), 291-303. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2021-2-291-
Kuklina V., Krasnoshtanova N. (2021). A chain reaction of infrastructural development and its local social consequences: the case of the Western section of the BAM. Russia and the Pacific, 1(111) 125-145 (In Russian).
Kuklina, V., Sizov, O., & Fedorov, R. (2021). Green spaces as an indicator of urban sustainability in the Arctic cities: Case of Nadym. Polar Science, 100672.
Fedorov R., Kuklina V., Sizov O., Soromotin A., Prihodko N., Pechkin A., Krasnenko A., Lobanov A., Esau I. Zooming in on Arctic Urban Nature: Green and Blue Space in Nadym, Siberia. Environmental Research Letters (accepted with minor revisions)
Kuklina, V., & Baikalov, N. (2021). Informal transportation and social embedding of the railroad: The case of okurki on the Baikal-Amur Mainline. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 1–26.
Solovyeva, V., & Kuklina, V. (2020). Resilience in a changing world: Indigenous sharing networks in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Polar Record, 56.
Kuklina V., Petrov A., Krasnoshtanova N., and Bogdanov V. (2020). Mobilizing Benefit Sharing through Transportation Infrastructure: Informal Roads, Extractive Industries and Benefit Sharing in the Irkutsk Oil and Gas Region, Russia. Resources, 9(3), 21;
Kuklina V. (2019). Reindustrializing Remote Communities: The Case of Khanda Evenki. Russian Analytical Digest. 240 (28) 6-10.
Kuklina V., Ignatieva S., Vinokurova U. (2019). Educational Institutions as a Resource for the Urbanization of Indigenous People: The Case of Yakutsk. Sibirica 18, 29–53.
Kuklina V., Filippova V. (2019). Transport Accessibility and the Way of Life of the Population in the North: A Case Study of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic. Geography and Natural Resources, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 162-168.
Koryukhina I., Kuklina V. (2019). On Heterotopia of a Commodified Dwelling Space (Case of Baikalsk). Russian sociological review. 18(1) 36-55 (In Russian)
Kuklina V., Povoroznyuk O., Saxinger G. (2019). Power of rhythms – trains and work along the Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM) in Siberia. Polar Geography, 1.
Tysiachniouk, M., Petrov, A.N., Kuklina, V., Krasnoshtanova, N. (2018). Between Soviet Legacy and Corporate Social Responsibility: Emerging Benefit Sharing Frameworks in the Irkutsk Oil Region, Russia. Sustainability, 10, 3334; doi:10.3390/su10093334.
Kuklina V.V., Osipova M.E. (2018). Rol' zimnikov v obespechenii transportnoi dostupnosti arkticheskikh i subarkticheskikh rayonov Respubliki Saha (Yakutia) (Role of winter roads in provision of transportation accessibility of the Arctic and Sub-Arctic districts of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Obshhestvo. Sreda. Razvitie. (Society. Environment. Development) 2, 107-112. (In Russian)
Kuklina, V., Holland, E.C. (2018). The roads of the Sayan Mountains: Theorizing remoteness in eastern Siberia. Geoforum. 88, 36-44. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2017.10.008
Candidate of geographical sciences (equivalent of PhD), V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences