Melissa Keeley

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Melissa Keeley

Director, Environmental Studies Program, Undergraduate Advisor (Last names A-L)



Office Phone: (202) 994-7156
2036 H St NW, Room 215 Washington DC 20052

Office Hours                                       
Tuesdays 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
and by appointment via Webex

Melissa Keeley is the Director of Environmental Studies, Environmental & Sustainability Science and is an Associate Professor of Geography, Public Policy & Public Administration at the George Washington University. Her research focus is urban sustainability, particularly related to green infrastructure and stormwater management. She consults with cities including Philadelphia, Chicago, Seattle, Austin, Miami and Washington DC on green infrastructure strategy. Her work directly contributed to the addition of the Green Area Ratio in Washington DC’s 2019 zoning rewrite. In 2019 she also co-authored the book Urban Sustainability in the US: Cities Take Action (Palgrave Macmillan). 


Green Infrastructure

Stormwater Management

Urban Sustainability

ENVR 4195 - Environmental Studies Capstone Class

ENSS 4195 - Environmental and Sustainability Science Capstone Class

GEOG 1003 - Society & Environment 

GEOG 2196 - Field Methods in Geography

GEOG 3132 - Environmental Quality & Management

GEOG 3143 - Urban Sustainability

GEOG 3143W Urban Sustainability

GEOG 6293 - Water Resources Policy & Management

SUST 2002 - Sustainable Cities

Keeley, M. et al. 2013. Perspectives on the use of green infrastructure for stormwater management in Cleveland and Milwaukee. Environmental Management, 51(6 ), 1093-1108.

Nickel, D. et al. 2013. German experience in managing stormwater with green infrastructure. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.

Dolowitz, D., Keeley, M. and Medearis, D. 2012. Stormwater management: can we learn from others? Policy Studies, 33(6), 1-21.

Keeley, M. 2011. The Green Area Ratio: Site-scale urban environmental planning. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. (forthcoming, September 2011 issue).

Keeley, M. 2010. Development of an Urban Site Sustainability Metric in the Anacostia Waterfront Planning Area. Final Technical Report to the NOAA/UNH Cooperative Institute for Coastal and Estuarine Environmental Technology (NA06NOS4190167). 169 pages.

Keeley, M. 2010. The Green Area Ratio: an urban site sustainability metric. Final Technical Report to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (AW 83342801-0). 68 pages.

Keeley, M. 2007. Using Individual Parcel Assessments to Improve Stormwater Management. Journal of the American Planning Association, 73(2), 149-160.

Köhler, M. and Keeley, M. 2005. The Green Roof Tradition in Germany: the Example of Berlin. In: EarthPledge, Green Roofs: Ecological Design and Construction. Schiffer Publishing, New York, New York

Keeley, M. 2005. Green Roofs and the Green Area Factor. Proceedings from 3rd Annual Green Roofs for Healthy Cities

Buschaw-Newton, K. L. et al. 2002. An Integrative Approach Towards Understanding Ecological Responses to Dam Removal: The Manatawny Creek Study. Journal of the American Water Resources Association , 38(6), 1585-1599.

Doctor of Engineering (Technical University of Berlin)

The Cooperative Institute for Coastal Estuarine Environmental Technology (NOAA and University of New Hampshire Partnership)

The Earth Institute (Columbia University)

Environmental Protection Agency, Office Wetlands, Oceans & Watersheds

Environmental Protection Agency, National Risk Management Research Lab

George Washington University Institute of Sustainability

National Science Foundation, Graduate Research Fellowship Program

National Science Foundation, Directorate for Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences and Directorate for Biological Sciences