Michael Mann

Michael Mann
Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies
Climate and Environmental Change
Professor Mann's Online Book - Open Source Geospatial Programming & Remote Sensing
Office Hours:
By appointment via Webex
Michael Mann is an Associate Professor of Geography at George Washington University, specializing in agriculture, land use, and GIS. He holds a PhD and MA in Earth & Environment from Boston University, and a BA in Economics from the College of Wooster. Dr. Mann's research, funded by various grants, focuses on fire probability modeling, the ecology of MERS-CoV, and the use of remote sensing for agricultural and urban sustainability. His publications explore the integration of geospatial data and machine learning in environmental studies, and is the author of pygis.io, an open access textbook on python for geospatial analysis in python.
Dr. Mann is an affiliated faculty member of the Global Food Institute at GW.
GEOG 2137 - Environmental Hazards
GEOG 3106 - Intermediate Geographic Information Systems
GEOG 6293 - Programming for Geospatial Applications
GEOG 6306 - Geographic Information Systems II
Hufkens, K., Melaas, E. K., Mann, M. L., Foster, T., Ceballos, F., Robles, M., & Kramer, B. (2019). Monitoring crop phenology using a smartphone based near-surface remote sensing approach. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 265, 327-337.
Ackerly, D. Andrew, J. Auffhammer, M ...Mann ML... (2018) California's Fourth Climate Change Assessment - Statewide Summary Report. Governor's Office of Planning and Research, 1-19.
Warner J.M., Mann M.L. (2018) Agricultural Impacts of the 2015/2016 Drought in Ethiopia Using High-Resolution Data Fusion Methodologies. In: Leal Filho W. (eds) Handbook of Climate Change Resilience. Springer, Cham
Kaufmann, R. K., Mann, M. L., Gopal, S., Liederman, J. A., Howe, P. D., Pretis, F., ... & Gilmore, M. (2017). Spatial heterogeneity of climate change as an experiential basis for skepticism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(1), 67-71.
Mann, M. L., & Warner, J. M. (2017). Ethiopian wheat yield and yield gap estimation: A spatially explicit small area integrated data approach. Field Crops Research, 201, 60-74.
Mann, M. L., Batllori, E., Moritz, M. A., Waller, E. K., Berck, P., Flint, A. L., ... & Dolfi, E. (2016). Incorporating anthropogenic influences into fire probability models: effects of human activity and climate change on fire activity in California. PLoS One, 11(4), e0153589.
Mann, M. L., Melaas, E. K., & Malik, A. (2016). Using VIIRS Day/Night Band to Measure Electricity Supply Reliability: Preliminary Results from Maharashtra, India. Remote Sensing, 8(9), 711.
Pretis, F., Mann, M. L., & Kaufmann, R. K. (2015). Testing competing models of the temperature hiatus: assessing the effects of conditioning variables and temporal uncertainties through sample-wide break detection. Climatic Change, 1-14.
Mann ML, Berck P, Moritz M, Baldwin J, Gately C, Batllori E, Cameron D, (2014) “Modeling Residential Development in California: Wildland Encroachment & Wildfire Risk 2000-2050,” Journal of Regional Science
Boykin A, Gaskins M, Jackson S, McDonell C, Mann ML. (2013) “The Impacts of School District Spending: Exploring the Connection Between School District Expenditures and Graduation Rates in Virginia,” Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences
Arevalo C, Peto B, Suaya A, Mann ML. (2013) “Demographic changes and Gentrification in Washington D.C. Between 2000 and 2010,” Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences
Mann ML, Kaufmann R, Bauer DM, Gopal S, Nomack M, Womack J, Sullivan K, Soares-Filho B. (2014) “Pasture Conversion and Competitive Cattle Rents in the Amazon,” Ecological Economics, 97, 182 - 190
Hunter C, Baldwin JG, Mann ML. (2013) “The Economic Viability of Solar Photovoltaic Canopies as Urban Climate Change Mitigation: An Analysis of the Potential Utilization of Public Space in Boston Massachusetts”, Energy and Environment Research (3) 1
Kaufmann RK, Kauppi H, Mann ML, Stock JH “Does Temperature Contain a Stochastic Trend: Linking Statistical Results to Physical Mechanisms” (2013), Available online at Climatic Change
Mann ML, Kaufmann RK, Bauer DM, Gopal S, Baldwin JG, Vera-Diaz MDC “Ecosystem service value and agricultural conversion in the Amazon: Implications for policy intervention” (2012) Environmental & Resource Economics (53) 2: 279-295
Kaufmann RK, Kauppi H, Mann ML, Stock JH (2011) “Reconciling anthropogenic climate change with observed temperature since 1998” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences doi:10.1073/ pnas.1102467108
Mann ML, Kaufmann RK, Bauer D, Gopal S, Vera-Diaz MDC, Nepstad D, Merry F, Kallay J, Amacher G (2010) “The economics of cropland conversion in Amazonia: The importance of agricultural rent” Ecological Economics (7) 15: 1505-1509
Kaufmann RK, Dées S, Mann ML (2009) “Horizontal and vertical transmissions in the US oil supply chain” Energy Policy (37): 644-650
Kaufmann RK, Dées S, Gasteuil A, Mann ML (2008) “Oil prices: The role of refinery utilization, futures markets and non-linearities” Energy Economics (30) 5: 2609-2622
Dées S, Gasteuil A, Kaufmann RK, Mann ML (2008) “Assessing the factors behind oil price changes” European Central Bank: Working Paper Series (855): 1-37