Matthew Collins

Office Hours
Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM or by appointment
Matthew Collins has more than twenty years of national security experience. He spent ten years as a Marine intelligence officer, serving with 2nd Force Reconnaissance Company, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the British Army. He deployed three times on active duty to the Middle East and Africa. In 2012, he deployed to Afghanistan as a civilian social science researcher, serving on General Mike Miley's staff in Kabul and later leading a team of researchers in the Helmand province. He currently works as an international strategist at Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems.
He is a graduate of the US Naval Academy, with an MBA from St Louis University and a Master's of Finance from Georgetown University. He has been published in a half dozen journals, including Foreign Policy, the Small Wars Journal and the Marine Corps Gazette. He has done national print and radio interviews on terrorism and veterans issues. In 2022, he was selected for the Johns Hopkins National Security Scholars and Practioners Program.
GEOG 2147 - Military Geography