Marie Price

Marie Price
Professor of Geography & International Affairs
Global Equity and Social Justice
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Office Hours
Mondays 9:00AM - 11:00AM
Wednesdays 2:30PM - 4:30PM
Marie Price is Professor of Geography and International Affairs and is also the President of the American Geographical Society (2016- present). A Latin American and migration specialist, her studies have explored human migration’s impact on development and social change, especially at the urban scale. In terms of policy, she is interested in strategies that promote migrant inclusion as well as the use of geographic sciences and technologies to address inequality and promote development. Her recent publications appeared in the Geographical Review, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, Journal of Latin American Geography, and The Professional Geographer. Price is currently funded by the NSF doing research on the US Mexican Border in the Lower Rio Grande Valley in a project titled “Geographies of Migration and (In)Security”. She was a co-author on a report issued by the Organization of American States in 2023 on the role of local authorities in the reception and integration of immigrants and refugees in cities across the Americas.
AGS Geography 2050 Conference, New York City "Borders and the Borderless World: A Keynote Conversation with Ambassador Samantha Power and Dr. Marie Price" November 22, 2019
University of Washington, Tacoma talk - Strategies to Attract and Retain Immigrants in US Metro Areas February 22, 2017
UC Berkeley talk - Diffusion Deflection and Diversity: A Geographic Perspective on Contemporary Immigration March 22, 2012
- Global Cities and Immigration
- Migration and Development
- Cultural and Environmental Geography
- Latin America
GEOG 2120 - World Regional Geography
GEOG 3161 - Geography of Latin American
GEOG 4195 - Proseminar on Geographic Thought
GEOG 6232 - Migration and Development
GEOG 6261 - Geographical Perspectives on Latin America
GEOG 6292 - Qualitative Methods
2023. Elizabeth Chacko and Marie Price (eds) (Un)Settled Sojourners in Cities: Challenges of “Temporariness” among Migrants and Asylum Seekers London; Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-032-43381-3
2023 Muñoz-Pogossian, B; Ceriani Cernadas, P; Cetra, R; Chacko, E; Dietrich Jones, N; Espinel, M; Gandini, L; Olinto, B; Prada, G; Price, M; Sojo Alvaro, G; Navarro, B; Gonzalez, C. Reception and Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Cities Across the Americas published by the Organization of American States. ISBN: 978-0-8270-7668-6. (118 pages)
2020. Globalization and Diversity: Geography of a Changing World , 6th edition. Co- authored with Martin Lewis, William Wyckoff and Les Rowntree, with Wes Reisser. New Jersey: Pearson.
2018. Diversity Amid Globalization: World Regions, Environment, Development, 7th edition . Co-authored with Les Rowntree, Martin Lewis and William Wyckoff. New Jersey: Pearson
2013. Marie Price and Elizabeth Chacko. Migrants' Inclusion in Cities: Innovative Urban Policies and Practices. Published in Spanish by the United Nations through UNESCO and UN-Habitat. In English edition will be published in 2013
2008. Migrants to the Metropolis: The Rise of Immigrant Gateways. Co-edited by Marie Price and Lisa Benton-Short. Syracuse University Press.
Chapters in Books
2022. Marie Price “How Covid Changed Our Daily Geographies” in Geographies of COVID 19: Geospatial Stories of a Global Pandemic. pp 1-7. Melinda Laituri, Robert Richardson, and Junghwan Kim, editors. ham, Switzerland: Springer Nature ISBN: 978-3-031-11775-6 (October 2022)
2022. Marie Price “Geographical Theories of Migration: Exploring Scalar, Spatial and Placeful Dimensions of Human Mobility” in Migration Theory: Talking Across Disciplines, 4th edition. pp 232-268. Edited by Caroline B. Brettel and James F Hollifield. Oxfordshire, UK:Routledge. ISBN 9780367638559. (June 1, 2022)
2022. Marie Price “Latin America: A Geographic Preface” in Understanding Contemporary Latin America, 5th edition. Henry Carey, editor. pp 11-38. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner ISBN: 978-1-62637-977-0.
2021. Marie Price and Nicole Svajlenka. “Undocumented Youth and their Unequal Rights: State Responses to Trump’s Immigration Policies” in Political Landscapes of Donald Trump edited by Barney Warf. Routledge. pp 322-338.
2015. Elizabeth Chacko and Marie Price. “Immigrant Entrepreneurship in the Washington Metropolitan Area: Opportunities and Challenges Facing Ethnic Minorities” in The Housing and Economic Experiences of Immigrants in North American Cities, edited by Carlos Teixeira and Wei Li. University of Toronto Press.
2014. Marie Price. "Cities Welcoming Immigrants: Local Strategies to Attract and Retain Immigrants in U.S. Metropolitan Areas" Background Paper in World Migration Report, 2015, IOM.
2012. Marie Price. "Hispanic Entrepreneurship in a Global City: The Bolivian Diaspora in Washington DC" in The Hispanic Presence in Washington, DC, edited by Enrique Pumar. Emerald Press.
2011. Marie Price. "Placing Transnational Migrants: The Socio-spatial Networks of Bolivians in the United States" in Race, Ethnicity and Place in a Changing America, 2nd edition. Edited by John W. Frazier, Eugene L. Tettey-Fio and Noarch F. Henry. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. pp 209-220.
2011. Marie Price. “Ties that Bind” in Mapping Latin American: Space and Society, 1492-2000, edited by Karl Offen and Jordana Dym. University of Chicago Press. pp 209-220.
2011. Marie Price. “Latin America: A Geographic Preface” in Understanding Contemporary Latin America, 4th edition. Tom D'Agostino and Richard Hillman, editors. Boulder, CO : Lynne Rienner. pp13-40.
2010. Marie Price and Elizabeth Chacko. “Immigrants as Entrepreneurs: How U.S. Cities Promote Immigrant Entrepreneurship” in Inclusive Cities for All: Urban Policy and Practice for Immigrants, UNESCO. pp 100-114.
2008. “Migration and Settlement” in The Sage Companion to the City, edited by Tim Hall, Phil Hubbard and John Short. Sage Publications. 2008 pp 189-209.
2008. “Edge Gateways: Suburbs, Immigrants and the Politics of Reception in Metropolitan Washington” co-authored with Audrey Singer. In Twenty-First Century Immigrant Gateways. Edited by Audrey Singer, Caroline Bretell and Susan Hardwick. pp 137-168.
2006. “Andean South Americans and Cultural Networks” in Contemporary Ethnic Geographies in America. Ines Miyares and Christopher Airriess, editors. Rowman and Littlefield, pp 191-210.
2004. “Soccer and Latino Cultural Space: The Fútbol Leagues of Washington , DC ” in Hispanic Spaces: Latino Places. Dan Arreola, editor. Austin: University of Texas Press. Co-authored with Courtney L. Whitworth. pp167-186.
Referred Articles
2022. Katherine Cann and Marie Price. “The Ethics of Location Tracking during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond: Building Awareness and Consensus”. Professional Geographer DOI: 0.1080/00330124.2022.2111691.
2020. Marie Price and Ivana Mowry-Mora. “DACA and the Differentiated Landscape for College Access: Experiences from a New Destination State” Geographical Review.
2020. Marie Price and Giancarla Rojas. “The Daily Lives and Limits of the DACAmented: Visualizing Migrant Precarity in Metropolitan Washington” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, volume 46.
2020. Elizabeth Chacko and Marie Price. “(Un)Settled Sojourners in Cities: Exploring the Scalar and Temporal Dimensions of Migrant Precarity” -- special issue co-edited with Elizabeth Chacko for the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, volume 46.
2019 Marie Price, Andrii Berdnyk and Sudie Brown. “Open Source Mapping in Latin America: Collaborative Approaches in the Classroom and the Field” Journal of Latin American Geography 18(2) 13-32.
2019 Edward Painter and Marie Price. “Creating Social Capital on Soccer Fields: Immigrant Opportunities and Gendered Barriers in Adult Soccer Leagues” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
2016 Marie Price and Derek Breese. Unintended Return: U.S. Deportations and the Fractious Politics of Mobility for Latinos. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Volume 106 (2): 366-376 Special Issue on Mobilities. DOI: 10.1080/00045608.2015.1120149
2015 Patricia Solis, Marie Price and Maria Adames de Newbill. Building Collaborative Research Opportunities into Study Abroad Programs: A Case study from Panama. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 39(1): 51-64.
2015 Timothy Hawthorne, Patricia Solis, Brittney Terry, Marie Price and Christopher Atchison. Critical Reflection Mapping as a Hybrid Methodology for Examining Sociospatial Perceptions of New Research Sites. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 105(1): 22-47.
2011 Elizabeth Chacko and Marie Price. "The Role of the Diaspora in Development: The Case of Ethiopian and Bolivian Immigrants in the USA." Migration 5:5-19 (Tbilisi, Georgia).
2010 Marie Price “The Centennial Forum: An Introduction” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 100 (5): 1-2.
2010 Marie Price “Reflections on Regional Research in the Geographical Review” Geographical Review 100 (4): 458-464.
2010 Kaitlin Yarnall and Marie Price. “Migration, Development, and a New Rurality in the Valle Alto, Bolivia” Journal of Latin American Geography 9(1): 107-124.
2009 Marie Price and Elizabeth Chacko. “The Mixed Embeddedness of Immigrant Entrepreneurs in a New Immigrant Gateway” Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies 7(3): 328-346.
2009. Marie Price. “How Global are Latin America’s World Cities: An Analysis of Immigration and Latin American Cities” Temas de Geografía Latinoamericana, Reunión CLAG-Morelia, Mexico. pp 295-319
2007. “Competing Visions, Shifting Boundaries: The Construction of Latin America as a World Region” with Catherine Cooper. Journal of Geography 106: 113-122.
2007. “Immigrants and World Cities : From the Hyper-diverse to the Bypassed” with Lisa Benton-Short. GeoJournal 68(2-3): 103-117.
2005. “Race, Immigrants and Residence: A New Racial Geography of Washington , DC ” Co-authored with Samantha Friedman, Ivan Cheung, and Audrey Singer. Geographical Review, 95(1):xx
2005. “Globalization from Below: The Ranking of Global Immigrant Cities” co-authored with L. Benton-Short and S. Friedman. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.
2005. “The World Settles In: Washington , D.C. as an Immigrant Gateway” with I. Cheung, S. Friedman and A. Singer. Urban Geography 26 (1): 61-83.
Book Reviews
2020 Geography: Why It Matters, with Corey Johnson, Glen MacDonald, William G. Moseley, Dawn Wright & Alexander B. Murphy The AAG Review of Books, 8:1, 34-42, DOI: 10.1080/2325548X.2020.1689054
2018 The Andes: A Geographical Portrait by Axel Borsdorf and Christoph Stadel Springer 2015. Journal of Latin American Geography 17(2): 244-246
2017 The Past Is a Foreign Country—Revisited with Alexander B. Murphy, Michael Heffernan, David C. Harvey, Dydia DeLyser & David Lowenthal The AAG Review of Books, 5:3, 201-214 DOI:10.1080/2325548X.2017.1315261
2012 Ethnoburb: The New Ethnic Community in Urban America (2009) Wei Li. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 102(1):254-256
2009 Impossible Subjects: Illegal Aliens and the Making of Modern America (2004) Mae M. Ngai. Human Rights Review 8(3):289-292
2007 Deflecting Immigration: Networks, Markets and Regulation in Los Angeles . (2006) Ivan Light. Population Space and Place 13(2): 155-56.
2007 “Counting Immigrants in Cities across the Globe” with Lisa Benton-Short Migration Policy Institute, Source article, January 1, 2007.
Media Coverage
2020 Podcast interview by the American Geographical Society on the role of geography and geospatial technology and tracking Covid 19.
2020 Interviewed and quoted for Vice article on the changing role of geospatial technology.
2018 Interviewed and quoted for a City Lab story on women and humanitarian mapping March 14, 2018.
2017 Interviewed for the BBC Radio Show, The Briefing Room, for an End of the Year Report on President Trump. The show aired Dec 21, 2017 and was 30-minute show. I discussed immigration.
2017 Interviewed and quoted for an article in Voice of America. “Trump Wants to Admit Immigrants based on Job Skills” Voice of America, March 14, 2017.
2016 Interviewed and quoted for an article on President Obama’s deportation record for the Christian Science Monitor, October 21, 2016.
BA (UC Berkeley, 1984)
MA (Syracuse, 1986)
PhD (Syracuse, 1991)